Trial Databases

We’re currently testing these databases. Please explore and provide us with your valuable feedback.

We’ll decide which databases to purchase based on need, content, quality, ease of use, costs, and other factors. We can’t promise that these databases will be purchased or, if purchased, that we can continue to provide them, but we welcome and value your input!

  • This database is a trial which expires May 22, 2024. We appreciate your feedback.
    APA PsycTherapy is a streaming video database of therapy demonstrations with hundreds of videos showing various treatment approaches. APA PsycTherapy is intended for educational purposes, specifically in clinical training and counselor education, and provides clinicians, counselors, and trainees the opportunity to observe candid psychotherapy videos featuring known therapists.
  • This database is a trial which expires June 30, 2024. We appreciate your feedback.
    Constellate is a text analysis platform that integrates access to scholarly content and open educational resources into a cloud-based lab. Users can apply text analysis methods to datasets, and hone their skills with support from on-demand tutorials. The platform draws on content from the JSTOR corpus as well as from 100+ publishers preserving content with Portico providing millions of primary and secondary sources across many fields of study. NOTE: In order to access the full range of features, users must create or sign in with their JSTOR account.