Swem's Visiting Librarian takes on Chapin-Horowitz Dog Book Collection backlog

Posted on
November 26, 2013
By Deborah Cornell - Head of Digital Services

Shelf of uncataloged Chapin-Horowitz Collection booksSpecial Collections and Content Services is thrilled to welcome Xiaoyan Song to the library as Swem's Visiting Librarian.

Canophilists (dog lovers) will be excited too because Xiaoyan will be focused on cataloging the backlog of dog books from the Chapin-Horowitz Collection of Cynogetica.

The Chapin-Horowitz Collection began in 1937 with the donation of over 3,000 volumes by Howard M. Chapin.   In 1988 it increased by over 6,000 books through the donation of the Murray and Shirley G. Horowitz collection of books on dogs.  With over 10,000 volumes in the collection, there is a fair portion that remains uncataloged and undiscoverable.  It is these uncataloged volumes that the Visiting Librarian will be tackling.

Keep watch on the Chapin-Horowitz Collection over the next 12 months as previous hidden dog books are revealed!



