Newton Day Recap

Posted on
February 27, 2014

Newton Day Tree Planting CeremonyIn a follow up to last week's post about Special Collections' Principia, here are some pictures of the Newton Day tree planting ceremony and our display of rare science books in the Physics Library.

Science author Dava Sobel speaks at Tree Planting Ceremony, College of William & Mary, February 22, 2014
Science author Dava Sobel speaks at Tree Planting Ceremony







Newton Tree Planting
Newton Tree Planting


Gerald "Jay" Gaidmore, Director of Special Collections, speaks with Wouter Deconinck, Assistant Professor of Physics

Special Collections' rare science book display at Physics Library
Special Collections' rare science book display at Physics Library


Among the books on display at the event were Isaac Newton's Principia (1687), Johannes Bayer's Uranometria (1655), Galileo Galilei's Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo (1710), Issac Barrow's The Usefulness of Mathematical Learning Explained and Demonstrated (1734).

If you missed your chance to see the Principia in person at the Physics Library, remember that you can view it in the Special Collections Reading Room (provided you bring a government issued photo id or W&M id) or you can see the newly digitized version available in Annotated Books Online.

Newton Day Pin
Newton Day Pin, which has become the newest addition to the University Archives Artifact Collection.
