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Williamsburg 1855

FebrFebruary 23 1855 Estate of MrMr. William Bacon
or MrMr. William Gillham his son in law
himself as he was responsible
to me for it by agreement
to makeingmaking a neat lined and
trimed trimmed raistopraised-top coffin for him self
FebrFebruary 24 1855 MrMr. George Jackson worckedworkedPaid
all this weakweek up to saturdaySaturday
night the twenty fourth
and iI paid him in cash
March 2 1855 MrMr. Joshua WalkerPaid
to 2 white pine plank at 50 ct.$0.50 each
March 3 1855 MrMr. George Jackson worckedworkedPaid
all this weakweek for me up
to saturdaySaturday night the third of
and he had one shanghie Shanghai chicken
  and cash paid him 10.00$10.00
March 8 1855 MrMr. Alexander Powell Paid Paid
to 250 shingles at 75 ct. $0.75 a hundrhundred
March 10 1855 MrMr. George Jackson worckedworkedPaid
all this weakweek for me up to
saturdaySaturday night the tenth
9March 9 1855 and on fridayFriday iI let him have
a hog waidweighed 122 lbspounds at 8 cent$0.08
a lbpound
13March 13 1855 and on the thirteenth iI
paid him in cash
March 10 1855 MrsMrs. Elizabeth P W Paid Paid
to one bblbarrel flour $10.00$10.00
for by an old gig
March 12 1855 MrsMrs. A WynnPaid
to makeingmaking a coffin for
your man Tom (on sundaySunday)
  to diggindigging Grave & funeral
expenses (cart horse & boy)