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Williamsburg 1862

  Confederate States of America  
  to makeingmaking a coffin for John N
a soldier that was wounded
at the fitefight below Williamsburg
and died at A. G. Southalls
he was from Alexandria
  to diggindigging grave for same 2.00$2.00
  to conveyance to the ground 1.00$1.00
  to headboard for grave
and he is put in the 24 grave in V.a.Virginia row
  Confederate States of America  
  to makeingmaking a coffin for a soldier
by Name of Lt J. W. Pannell
died at Mrs Maupins
  to diggingdigging grave for same 2.00$2.00
  to conveyance to the ground
and he is put in the 25 grave
  Confederate States of America  
  to makeingmaking a coffin for W J Davis
a soldier died at Mrs Morrisons
  to diggingdigging grave for same 2.00$2.00
  to conveyance to the ground
and he is put in the 23 grave
Virginia row
  Confederate States of America  
  to makeingmaking two coffins for two
Lt J W Pannell25 grave & Robinson19 grave
two soldiers died at the Baptist
Church Hospital
and is put
in the 25 grave for Pannell & 19 grave for Robinson
  to diggindigging2 graves for same 4.00$4.00
  to conveyance to the ground 2.00$2.00
  to headboards to graves 3.00$3.00
  Mr Robert BlaſsinghamBlassinghamPaid in settlement  
pdpaid to makeingmaking a neat lined and
trimedtrimmed coffin for your child
with a case
July 6th1862 Mr Sidney Smith  
  to makeingmaking a coffin for black