Film Studies Program

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"The College of William and Mary's Film Studies Program provides interested students a coherent, interdisciplinary education in this major art form, an art form that is--along with television--the predominant way in which Western cultures represent themselves.

"Besides being a part of many Americans' daily lives, film has become an increasingly significant part of the Humanities curriculum at the College. Students will encounter courses about film and courses that use films to illuminate cultural and social phenomenon in a number of disciplines, including various Modern Languages, American Studies, English, and Literary and Cultural Studies." [1]

The Film Studies Program began in Fall 1998 with Professors Colleen Kennedy and Christopher MacGowan as co-coordinators of the program. Dr. Kennedy, affiliated with the English department, specializes in contemporary literature, theories of representation, and film. [2] Arthur Knight is the current (2009) coordinator of the program. He holds joint appointments in English and American Studies. Dr. Knight's specialty is the history of film, with an emphasis on African Americans and music. [3]


  • Film Studies Program, The College of William and Mary Undergraduate Catalog, 1998-99, Special Collections Research Center, Earl Gregg Swem Library, William & Mary.