RMC Summer & Renovation Hours

Adjusted Operational Hours:

Walk-in Service Desk Hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 10 AM - 2 PM

Equipment Pick-Up and Return:

  • Monday to Friday: 10 AM - 2 PM (during walk-in service desk hours)

Studio Availability:

  • Monday to Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM (all bookings made online)

Production Room Availability:

  • Monday to Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM (by appointment)

To ensure the most efficient service, we request that all reservations be made through our online booking system. This will help us manage resources and efficient access to them. For any questions or requests, please contact us at mediahelp@wm.edu.

Upcoming Renovations:

As part of our commitment to improving our facilities, we will soon begin a renovation of the Reeder Media Center. When construction begins, the current public service desk and access to the media lab will be closed until construction is complete. During this period, all equipment and studio requests must be made online through our booking system. During our closure, staff will remain available Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5PM. 

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we transition to these new hours and prepare for renovations. Our goal is to continue providing high-quality media resources and support to the William & Mary community while optimizing our operations and enhancing our facilities.

Thank you for your continued support.