Found at Swem

This collection features objects that our patrons left behind in library books or around the building. Many were not exactly lost but rather forgotten; others may have been more purposely left behind. The collection began quite unintentionally—and partly out of amusement—during the 2013 fall semester and is on semi-permanent display in Ashley Gonzales’s cubicle in Circulation.
As library staff and student employees have come to know about the collection, they act as voluntary co-curators by contributing objects they found while working in the stacks. In its entirety, this vast and growing collection of things Between the Pages offers an informal anthropological study of past and present W&M students and library patrons. Take a look and have fun drawing your own conclusions!
Watch Curator Ashley Gonzales's narrated tour of the collection at W&M Libraries on YouTube.
Images of the curated display and full collection are available from W&M Libraries on Flickr.

Curator: Ashley Gonzales, User Services & Student Supervisor
Designers: Jessica Molz & Abram Clear, SCRC Graphics Student Assistants
Editors: Ute Schechter, Burger Archivist; and Meghan Bryant, Research Associate
Videographer: Cindy Centeno, Media Specialist
Fabrication and Installation: Ashley Gonzales; Dana Florczak, Student Assistant; Jennie Davy, Exhibits Manager; Krystal Tang, Circulation Assistant; and Yifan Wang, Student Assistant