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Parking & Directions


There is a small paid parking lot directly behind Swem. For more information, visit our Visitor Parking page.

Library Directions

Swem Library

Location: 400 Landrum Drive
Parking: Accessible parking spaces are available on Landrum Drive behind Swem Library and in the paid parking lot behind Swem. Paid parking is available for visitors in the lot immediately behind Swem.
Entrance: Front entrance on the south side facing Jamestown Road. There is also an accessible entrance in the back of Swem on Landrum Drive near the accessible parking spaces.

McLeod Business Library

Location: 2036 Miller Hall, 2nd floor
Parking: Accessible parking spaces and paid parking spaces are available in the Boswell Parking Lot across from Miller Hall.
Entrance: The front entrance on Ukrop Way has a ramp with automatic door opener.

Chemistry Reading Room

LocationIntegrated Science Center (ISC), 1st floor, Room 1022
Accessible Parking: North side (off of Landrum Drive): Two accessible parking spaces on Landrum Drive, about a half-block from the Integrated Science Center.
Assistance: Contact Swem Library’s research desk or the Chemistry Department Office at 757-221-2540.

Physics Library

LocationSmall Hall, 1st floor, Room 151
Assistance: Contact Swem Library’s research desk or the Physics Department Office.


Get Directions

Earl Gregg Swem Library
400 Landrum Drive
Williamsburg, VA 23186

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