
March 1, 2010 to June 4, 2010

The annual Commencement exhibit marks the tradition of exercises for graduates of the College of William and Mary first held in 1700 and the awarding of honorary degrees. Honorary degrees were granted by the College sporadically through the mid-19th century before becoming a regular campus tradition and eventually awarded annually since the early 20th century. William and Mary alumna Christina Romer, class of 1981, former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, and professor and author Annette Gordon-Reed will receive honorary degrees at the 2010 commencement ceremony. President Obama's Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, Romer will deliver the commencement address. Images of the installed exhibit are available at the SCRC's Flickr page.

To learn more about commencement at the College of William and Mary, visit the SCRC Wiki.

Curator: Michael Lusby, Graduate Student Apprentice; Exhibit design and installation: Chandi Singer, Burger Archives Assistant, and Justin, Ferrell, SCRC Student Assistant.
