In the Discharge of his Duty: Weapons, Ammunition, and Military Equipment

October 18, 2011 to March 12, 2012

When we think of archival collections, we imagine primarily written documentation, be it letters, diaries, or organizational records. But artifacts are sometimes part of those collections and some of those objects tell a story that can enrich and at times may even go beyond the written word. The weapons, ammunition, and equipment of war shown in these three cases were used by soldiers in the Civil War, World War I, and World War II. In addition to arms and ammunition, there are also trench lighters, breastplates, and helmets. This exhibit is by no means attempting to be a comprehensive history of any of these wars, but uses objects that played an important role in armed conflicts to give us an insight into one aspect in the daily life of the soldiers that owned and used them.

Images of the exhibit are available from Special Collections on Flickr.

Curator: Ben Bromley, Public Service Archives Specialist; Exhibit design and installation: Jennie Davy, Burger Archives Specialist with Ben Bromley, Public Service Archives Specialist.

There is much more information available about material related to armed conflicts and the military in Special Collections.
