The Marquis de Lafayette in Virginia

The honorary Doctor of Civil Law degree presented to the Marquis de Lafayette in 1824 is on loan from the Chambrun Foundation who preserves and maintains Lafayette’s estate, Chateau de Lagrange, and its archives. The display of the document coincides with the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of commemorate Lafayette's visit to Williamsburg during his 1824-1825 tour of the U.S.
The exhibit also features items from William & Mary Libraries' Special Collections Research Center related to Lafayette: letters, documents, images, and ephemera concern Lafayette’s role in the Virginia Campaign of 1781 during the American Revolution, his visit to Virginia during his tour of the United States in 1824-1825, and James Armistead Lafayette, the enslaved spy who provided immeasurable support to the Continental Army during the Virginia campaign.
* Please review Special Collections' operating hours as you plan your visit to see the exhibit.
Related Events and Exhibits:
- The Life and Legacy of The Marquis de Lafayette, a traveling exhibit developed by the American Friends of Lafayette, is on display in Swem Library's Read & Relax through November 15. The exhibit banners tell the important stories of Lafayette’s life and legacy including his American Revolution participation, his critical role in cementing the Franco-American Alliance, and his lifelong passion for human rights.
- Colonial Williamsburg is hosting several events to commemorate Lafayette's 1824 stop in Williamsburg during his tour of the U.S.:
- Lafayette's "Homecoming", Sunday, October 20, 11:00-11:30, Wren Building, William & Mary
- Commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Marquis de Lafayette’s Honorary Degree of Laws with members of William & Mary, Colonial Williamsburg, and American Friends of Lafayette communities at this joyful “homecoming” celebration of an illustrious alumnus. The event will feature music, pomp, and remarks by Lafayette, as portrayed by Nation Builder Mark Schneider.
- Celebrating Lafayette, Sunday, October 20, 1:00-2:00, Capitol Circle, Colonial Williamsburg
- A celebratory carriage procession and ceremony on the steps of the Colonial Courthouse will salute the “Nation’s Guest” with tributes from the 18th, 19th, and 21st centuries to include the Colonial Williamsburg Fifes & Drums, Nation Builders, community leaders, the Walsingham Academy Madrigals, and cannon salute by the Virginia State Garrison Regiment.
- Il Était Une Fois-Once Upon a Time, Sunday, October 20, 3:00-4:00, Kimball Theatre, Colonial Williamsburg
- In this dramatic presentation, the Marquis de Lafayette returns to Williamsburg on October 20, 1824, and reflects upon the people and events that he experienced in his life. (Colonial Williamsburg admission required)
- Lafayette's "Homecoming", Sunday, October 20, 11:00-11:30, Wren Building, William & Mary
- Visit the Lafayette 200 website for full details about events hosted throughout the 24 states Lafayette visited on his 1824-1825 tour.
Curator: Jay Gaidmore, Marian and Alan McLeod Director of Special Collections
Design: André Poniewozik '26, SCRC Graphics Student Assistant; and Jennie Davy, Exhibits & Artifacts Curator
Preparation and Installation: Jennie Davy; Emma Kaufman-Horner '27, Special Collections Student Assistant; and Eve-Marie Chia, History Department M.A. Student and Special Collections Graduate Apprentice
Special Thanks: American Friends of Lafayette,Vincent Bouat-Ferlier, Bill Cole, Carrie L. Cooper, Laura Fogarty, Fondation Josée et René de Chambrun, Michael Fox, Julien Icher, Deborah Lee-Ferrand, Forsyth Special Collections Fund, Kevin Gilliam, Tom McSweeney, Melissa Parris, Susan Riggs, Bruno Roman, Bill Schermerhorn, Feleasha Sherfy, Ann Marie Stock, Bill Vega, Virginia Museum of History and Culture, Kaitlyn Weathers, William & Mary Strategic Cultural Partnerships, and William & Mary Office of the President