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Alternative Voices

Read & Relax

The diversity of the William & Mary community finds expression in a variety of student campus publications. Although the Flat Hat, first published in 1911, is often considered the “official” student newspaper, over the years, more than 50 different student publications have emerged to express alternative voices.

The array of publication categories – politics, literary/art, humor, special interest, and zines – reveals the intellectual freedom supported within and around our brick-lined campus. Whether actively encouraging dissent, revealing the taboo, or carving out a special-interest niche, these publications give students a forum for original ideas, critical thinking and creativity – complementing what takes place within the classroom.

By focusing on specific genres and individual publications created by students past and present, we answer the question: “What voice does each publication contribute to the William & Mary community?” “Mission Impossible” examines the diffulty of getting students involved in campus life beyond their academic obligations: Political campus publications depart from traditional journalism by offering strong political opinions in order to capture the attention of a larger audience. In “Psychology of Dissent,” students look back to the 1960s for models of activism and subversion. Although tackling serious subjects, “Taboo Topics” examines the ways that publications handle issues about sex, race, and authority through parody and avoiding censorship. Finally, by looking at two specific publications, Lips and Her Campus, we find voices that subvert traditional views of gender and sexual stereotypes as well as ones that promote and celebrate traditional images. In “Read our Lips” and “Fashion, Flirting, Fitness, & Fun” the spectrum of alternative voices confirms a campus culture that encourages independent thinking and acceptance of diversity. 

“Alternative Voices” was curated by students in Prof. Sharon Zuber’s Fall 2011 “Constructing the News” Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies class (LCST 201) with design assistance of the Special Collections Research Center staff. Student Curators:  Brooke Anderson, Nicole Chung, Danielle Coradazzi, Gina Falcone, Shayela Hassan, Alexandria Hiponia, Brian Lynn, Jaren Maynard, Reid McBride, Rebecca Moses, Grace Pezzeminti, Heidi Scanlon, Elizabeth Scott, Jacqueline Vasquez, and Lindsay Wade.

Photos of the exhibit and presentation by student curators are availlable from the Special Collections on Flickr.

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