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Filipino-American Student Association 20th Anniversary

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Founded on December 3, 1991, FASA- the Filipino-American Student Association at William & Mary - is celebrating its 20th anniversary as a student organization in 2011. Since its inception, FASA has sought to “educate the student body of Filipino culture, providing an opportunity for Filipino-American students to blend their Southeast Asian and Western cultures in a productive manner. It is also FASA's duty to improve the academic and social environments through service to the school and the surrounding community and promote relations with the Filipino-American Student Associations of other colleges and universities.” (FASA Constitution, 1991) Through Culture Night, participation in Filipino-American History Month, community engagement, fundraising activities to benefit community and international organizations, and active participation in FIND (Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue), co-rec sports, potlucks, and the use of modern media, FASA has been an engaged and engaging student organization for the past two decades.The exhibit includes posters, programs, yearbooks, cards, and other material documenting FASA's history and activities. The Special Collections Wiki offers further information about FASA at William & Mary.

Curator: Kerry Browder, Special Collections Volunteer; Exhibit installation: Kerry Browder, Special Collections Volunteer; Hannah Craddock, Graduate Assistant; Ashley Harvey, Special Collections Volunteer; Chandi Singer, Burger Archives Assistant.

Images of the installed exhibit are available at the Special Collections Flickr page.

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