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James Boswell '86

James Boswell has spent over 30 years working at the intersection of business, law, and government. His public-sector employment includes the Office of General Counsel of the US Department of Health and Human Services, and in the private sector he has been employed in various capacities including Chief Legal Officer.

James is currently an Adjunct Professor of Business Law and Executive Partner at W&M’s Raymond A. Mason School of Business. He graduated from William & Mary in 1986 with a degree in English and Anthropology, and holds a J.D. from the University of Georgia School of Law, a Master’s degree in Government from Harvard University, and a Professional Certificate in Strategic Management from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

As a student at W&M, James worked at Swem Library, and then continued as a regular staff member after graduation. He worked on significant projects including the digitization of the card catalog, the barcoding of the collection, and the reclassification of materials from the Dewey Decimal System to the Library of Congress System.

James and his husband Chris Caracci actively support the Wolf Law Library’s recreation of George Wythe’s library. James and Chris are funding the George Wythe Room itself, and recently created the Boswell-Caracci Acquisition Fund to purchase volumes for the room. The fund has already added several rare volumes to the collection. James and Chris also funded the James Boswell and Christopher Caracci Gallery in the newly expanded Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg.

James is a Planning Commissioner for the City of Williamsburg and sits on the Williamsburg Architectural Review Board. He also serves on the MESDA Advisory Board and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Williamsburg-Peninsula Chapter of the William & Mary Alumni Society. For several years he taught a popular History course for William & Mary’s Christopher Wren Association.

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