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The Swem Library maintains the confidentiality of all library borrowing records and of all other information relating to an individual's use of the library's resources and services.

This policy is in accordance with Section 2.1-342.01(A)(10) of the Code of Virginia, which addresses the confidentiality of library records, with the College of William and Mary's Student Handbook's "Statement of Rights and Responsibilities," and with the Association of College and Research Libraries' "Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries."

Except as provided below, the Earl Gregg Swem Library and its departmental libraries may release information about an individual's library transactions only to that individual, to another individual or party with the prior written consent of the individual concerned, or under a court order. The individual must provide proof of identity with a library card or picture identification. All correspondence and other communications to library patrons will protect the privacy of their library records.

Library transactions include, but are not limited to, an individual's circulation records, address and other registration information, reference or informational questions asked, and participation in library-sponsored classes or programs.

Within the library and the College, access to such records will be restricted to authorized personnel for authorized reasons, as determined by the Dean of University Libraries or his/her delegated representative and by those departments (Bursar, Registrar, Information Technology) which handle library financial and registration accounts.

Circulation records of patrons' past library transactions will be retained for one year only to resolve circulation and billing questions.


Revised 2/06