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Patios and Outdoor Tabling

William & Mary faculty, staff, and recognized W&M student clubs and organizations can reserve the patios for university activities, and are welcome to table outside of Swem as well.

  • All events, meeting, and tabling must be held during library hours.
  • Student groups are not allowed to host events during the reading or examination periods.
  • Solicitation, sale of goods, and fundraising activities are prohibited.
  • Groups will be responsible for the condition of the space during the time assigned, including set up and clean up.
  • Patio furniture may not be moved or removed.
  • For patio events, there are "Reserved for Event" signs available at the Circulation desk. Signs must be returned at the end of the activity.
  • During tabling events, the front entrance cannot be blocked, and tables cannot be set up in the covered portico due to fire safety regulations.
  • Tables and chairs are not available through Swem but can be obtained by contacting the W&M Scheduling Office.
  • In the event of rain, an alternate location must be located through the W&M Scheduling Office. Swem Library cannot accommodate indoor events. 
  • Food served at events must be provided by a licensed caterer due to food safety concerns. Alcohol served at events must be provided by a caterer with an ABC license. 

How to reserve

You can reserve a time for tabling or for an event on one of the patios by using our online room reservation system:


Please contact the W&M Libraries External Relations office at

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