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Introducing Kaitlyn Weathers, Digitization Specialist

In this post, we introduce the newest member of our digital services team!

Name: Kaitlyn Weathers

Title: Digitization Specialist

What does your job entail?

I manage the day-to-day workflow for digitization requests that come in through Special Collections.

What interests you most about this job?

One of my first jobs out of undergrad was working with the institutional media collections at Colonial Williamsburg, which involved scanning, processing, and cataloging historic negatives related to the history of CW. This position takes me back to my roots of digital preservation. Making the amazing resources that are at William and Mary available to a wider audience through digitization is something that I’m excited to do on a daily basis.

What do you hope to accomplish in your first year?

There is a bit of a learning curve when it comes to transitioning from a museum job to a library. My first goal is to better familiarize myself with library practices and processes. I’m also excited to establish and adjust workflows for digitization work as new systems are introduced in the library for patrons.

Tell us a little about your work background:

Most of my work experience has been in a museum setting. Prior to coming to Swem, I served as the Associate Registrar for Loans and Exhibitions at Colonial Williamsburg for over ten years. In that position, I was responsible for several things, but my main duties involved coordinating logistics related to loaning objects from CW’s collections to other institutions.

What attracted you to W&M?

I learned what a great community William and Mary is when I was a graduate student in the history department, so I knew immediately when this position was posted that I wanted to apply. I’m excited to be back as a staff member!

What do you like to do in your free time?

My husband and I like to travel around the country to visit different theme parks and ride new roller coasters. Our most recent trip was to Altoona, Pennsylvania, to ride the world’s oldest operating roller coaster, which was built in 1902. Most of the time, though, you’ll find me at home working on a craft project (mostly cross stitch and crochet), spoiling our two beagles (Knox and Gilbert) and two cats (Leopold and Olive), and tending our carnivorous plant garden.

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