W&M Libraries Blog

Sarah Thompson
Posted on July 23, 2024

In this post, we introduce the newest member of the External Relations team, Sarah Thompson!

Previous Posts

Mar 2011

  • Posted on March 15, 2011
    One of the neat things about working at the SCRC is the sheer variety of projects we oversee. Last time, I told you a bit about the rewards and challenges of putting together an exhibit, but, recently, I got to try my hand at another major part of archival work: processing a collection.

Jan 2011

  • Posted on January 24, 2011
    At some point most of us have pondered this question.
  • Posted on January 11, 2011
    Here are the new accessions for 12/1/2010 through 12/30/2010, a little longer than normal due to the holiday rush:
  • Posted on January 11, 2011
    Here are the new collections accessioned by the Special Collections Research Center from 11/15/2010 to 11/30/2010:
  • Posted on January 4, 2011
    Do you ever stop to ogle the contents of the numerous display cases spread throughout Swem Library? Me neither. Or, at least, I didn’t. Now, every so often when I’m hunting for a book on the third floor, I venture over to the small flat case outside the Brown Board Room, just to check that everything is how I left it.

Nov 2010

  • Posted on November 30, 2010
    Here are the new collections accessioned by the Special Collections Research Center from 11/8/2010 to 11/12/2010:
  • Posted on November 29, 2010
    I freely admit: I am a self-proclaimed craft nerd. In kindergarten, I was the kid who truly enjoyed gluing sticks into haphazardly-formed structures and insisted that every painting my little fingers lovingly created be prominently displayed on the family refrigerator. This creative passion has continued into adulthood as I thoughtfully knit gifts for friends and family and scrapbook every vacation taken.
  • Posted on November 23, 2010
    Throughout the past month, as a part of my graduate apprenticeship I have been working with the Johnson-Nance Family Papers, a manuscript collection from the early twentieth century at Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, at the College of William
  • Posted on November 10, 2010
    How often have you stopped to think about the wonder that is the copy machine? If you were like me, not often at all—as students, interns, and young professionals most of us probably spent more time being warmed by the light of the copy machine than we would like to think about.
  • Posted on November 9, 2010
    Here are the new collections accessioned by the Special Collections Research Center from 11/1/2010/11/5/2010: Manuscripts: