W&M Libraries Blog

Sarah Thompson
Posted on July 23, 2024

In this post, we introduce the newest member of the External Relations team, Sarah Thompson!

Previous Posts

Nov 2010

  • Posted on November 4, 2010
    You are sure to have heard us mention a time or two just recently that the College of William & Mary yearbook, the Colonial Echo, for the years 1899-1995 was recently digitized. A bookmark was created for the official launch of the Colonial Echo Digital Archive during Homecoming 2010.
  • Posted on November 2, 2010
    This post contains links to content that has been newly digitized and is now available to view online.
  • Posted on November 1, 2010
    These new materials were accessioned during the week of 10/25/2010 through 10/29/2010 and are now available to the public.

Oct 2010

  • Posted on October 29, 2010
    Often when I tell people that I’m working on making a database of all the scrapbooks in the Special Collections Research Center, I get a reaction something like, “Oh, that’s nice,” a reaction with subtext that seems to say “oh-that’s-nice-but-not-something-actually-significant-like-Thomas-Jefferson’s-letters.” And while the correspondence of our illustrious college alumnus certainly holds the utmost import
  • Posted on October 5, 2010
    The Earl Gregg Swem Library is pleased to announce the launch of the Colonial Echo digital archive.  All volumes from 1899-1995 have been digitized in full color from cover to cover and are now available to the public. The Colonial Echo has been the student yearbook of the College of William and Mary since 1899.
  • Posted on October 4, 2010
    Where might one find the Civil War telegrams of General Joseph E. Johnston? Or a weekly magazine that documents the history of rock and roll, blues, and country music? Or the William & Mary report card of your Great Aunt Sally? Very likely, the answer can be found in archives like the Special Collections Research Center in Swem Library!

May 2010

  • Posted on May 25, 2010
    The Special Collections Research Center in Swem Library is in search of issues of College of William and Mary newspapers and magazines to complete our collection. Can you help us? We may not be precisely desperate, but the title of a Monroe Project submitted to the W&M Digital Archive yesterday has movies of the 1980s on the brain.

Mar 2010

  • Posted on March 26, 2010
    I'm a junior at the College of William and Mary, and I started cataloging blueprints in the Special Collections Research Center in the Fall of 2009.
  • Posted on March 4, 2010
    I came to the Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) in the Fall, excited yet a little nervous about beginning my Graduate Assistantship. I had heard wonderful things from other graduate students about their time as Graduate Assistants in the SCRC, and so I was enthused about beginning my assistantship here.

Feb 2010

  • Posted on February 17, 2010
    I am not an archivist. Old and fragile documents have scared me for as long as I can remember. Not in a masked murderer kind of way, of course, but in the sense that at any moment while handling archival material, one can accidentally drop a priceless artifact or tear a centuries-old newspaper. That’s pressure I’d normally like to avoid when possible. On top of that unnerving, but not necessarily crippling fear, there are the allergies.