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New login page for OpenAthens

The OpenAthens authentication method for our databases has been updated from W&M's Central Authentication Service (CAS) to Microsoft. When you select "W&M account" from the OpenAthens login screen, you will be taken to a Microsoft login page instead of the old CAS page. 

OpenAthens is still a single sign-on (SSO), so you will only have to sign-in one time with this new method. In fact, if you are signed on to another W&M platform that uses Microsoft authentication (such as the web version of Outlook), you will not see the login screen at all, and will instead automatically get logged in after the OpenAthens screen.

Logging in with Microsoft for W&M accounts

On the Microsoft login page:

  1. Enter your full W&M email address (not just the username)
  2. On the next page, enter your password
  3. You will then be redirected to the database


For reference, this is what the old CAS login looked like:

Screenshot of the CAS login form with the title "Central Authentication Service"

And this is what the new Microsoft login looks like:

Screenshot of the Microsoft login form with the Microsoft logo

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