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Shirley Temple in Williamsburg


We lost an icon with the death of Shirley Temple Black on February 10, 2014.  As a child actor, she captured the hearts of millions of Americans.  Later in life, she served as the U.S. Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia, and Chief of Protocol of the United States.

She is pictured here on August 2, 1976 embracing Fannie Lou Stryker, the wife of Dr. Henry M. Stryker, Mayor of Williamsburg from 1948-1968. They became acquainted in 1938 when Shirley Temple visited Colonial Williamsburg and Mrs. Stryker was serving as a hostess at The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.

This photograph is part of the Stryker Papers, 1916-1977, housed in the Special Collections Research Center in Swem Library through the generosity of the Williamsburg Historic Records Association.

For more information about the Stryker Papers, check out the finding aid.

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