We provide many services to support your research, teaching, and course projects. Visit a service desk to learn more.
- Borrowing: check out books, videos, technology, and more.
- Printing and more: print, copy, or scan.
- Research assistance appointments: work with a research librarian to identify good sources.
- Multimedia: use multimedia production equipment and software.
- Request Course Reserves: faculty can request materials to be put on reserve for their class.
- Room and Space Reservations: reserve Swem rooms and spaces, including group study rooms, media studios, and more.
- Writing Resources Center: get help with the process of writing papers, citations, and more. Located on the 1st floor of Swem.
- Tutoring: get individualized assistance from a peer tutor. Located on the 1st floor of Swem.
- Interlibrary Loan: get books and articles from other libraries.
We also have many special services for faculty.
Need research assistance?
If you have an accessibility need, we are committed to providing you with full access to our materials and services.
Not a W&M student, faculty, or staff member? Learn more about our visitor services in our visitor library card policy.
If you'd like to give us feedback about any of our services, or suggest a new service, we'd love to hear from you. You can even suggest items for us to purchase.