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Students express love of library through poetry

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Swem Library recently held a contest in which students, faculty and staff were invited to share their love of the library through poetry. The library received 18 submissions in less than a week in the midst of the end-of-semester hustle. A group of library staff and faculty reviewed the submissions and chose a first place winner and a runner-up.

The first place award went to Lauren Collier, who received a $100 gift card to Gap Inc. stores. Read her submission below.

Amid the first floor’s ample clatter clacking keys cut through the chatter. Harmonizing with the hearty hum, students type as though time doesn’t matter.

The feeble freshman fast asleep with five exams and a schedule to keep. A vigilant classmate remains close by on guard, should the sleep be too deep.

The silent sophomore on the second floor dreaming of a sandy shore sifts through the semester’s notes completing her academic chores.

Jaded juniors exchange weary looks as they close their worn and dented books. The exam awaits in Jones at two. Solemnly, they leave their third floor nook.

The senior sits in Aromas and sighs thinking of finals periods gone by. The sage sips on her sugary drink her paper submitted and her smile sly.

As thousands go and come each day Swem Library remains open always. The brick fortress of focus shall remain For finals and beyond, her students she shall sustain.

The runner-up was Emily Schaefer, who received a $25 gift card to Green Leafe Cafe. You can read her submission below.

On the nights before finals, up the third floor stairs, Not a creature was stirring, for fear of twamp glares. For in the Castle of ‪#‎SwemCat, we face our finals task. Help will always be given at Swem to those who ask. Students arrive in a cloud of shared stress and Swem strives to de-stress their dread and distress With free mugs and yoga and pep-talks and donuts and dogs upon dogs upon dogs ‘til we go nuts. With Collections special and a Twitter-game strong, Like the puns in The Throne that keep me going all month long. And art that inspires us to learn and be merry And our furry friend, Gordo, who makes finals less scary. And the couches I sleep on, no longer in shame, and a little bronze boy with his little bronze frame. He reminds me of me. He reminds me of you. Don’t cry over your finals, Swem will help you push through.

Thank you to everyone who participated in Swem's poetry contest!