W&M Libraries Blog

Sarah Thompson
Posted on July 23, 2024

In this post, we introduce the newest member of the External Relations team, Sarah Thompson!

Previous Posts

Aug 2022

  • Posted on August 17, 2022
    The Public Domain or PD is expanding, admittedly at a rather slow rate (thanks, Sonny Bono!) but it is growing. 2020 marked a monumental year, for oh so many reasons, but for copyright and the public domain it meant that for the first time in a good long while, the expiry of copyright terms led to the expansion of the public domain. But what exactly is the Public Domain and why does it matter?
  • Posted on August 10, 2022
    W&M Libraries staff have been hard work over the summer months. A few of them were excited to share their favorite project with the W&M community. Deborah Cornell, head of digital services, shares on leading a multi-year endeavor to build a new digital collections platform.
  • Posted on August 11, 2022
    W&M Libraries staff have been hard at work over the summer months. A few of them were excited to share their favorite project. Meghan Bryant, head of special collections public services & instruction, shares about her partnership with Steve Prince, the Muscarelle Museum's director of engagement and distinguished artist in residence, and their plan to launch a workshop in the fall.
  • Posted on August 9, 2022
    In this post, we introduce W&M Libraries' new acquisitions assistant, Cynthia Vinson!

Jul 2022

Jun 2022

  • Posted on June 29, 2022
    Intellectual Property is actually a relatively new concept, historically speaking. Rights to intangible property didn’t become codified until the Statute of Anne in the 18th century; this is widely considered the first legally binding document defining and establishing intellectual property. However, it’s still a far cry from our modern experience with Intellectual Property (or IP as it is lovingly and occasionally derisively referred).
  • Posted on June 22, 2022
    Dr. Anne K. Rasmussen, Professor of Music and Ethnomusicology and Bickers Professor of Middle Eastern Studies, discusses her new book, Music in Arabia: Perspectives on Heritage, Mobility, and Nation, co-edited by Issa Boulos and Virginia Danielson.
  • Special Collections
    Posted on June 15, 2022
    The SCRC is accepting applications for the 2022-2023 round of Research Travel Grants.
  • Posted on June 14, 2022
    Fair use can be tricky to navigate because the legal benchmarks for this exemption are intentionally vague. You’ll never actually know if your use of copyrighted material is considered fair use unless a judge decides (which usually means you’ve been sued). 

May 2022

  • Bag of mahonia branches and berries
    Posted on May 24, 2022
    Recently, several neighbors and I trekked up a narrow, muddy path through dense, jungle-like foliage. Bright, glossy leaves crowned by yellow plumes. Long branches arched above and crowded around. This tropical moment was not faraway and exotic but on College Creek, less than a mile from Colonial Williamsburg.