W&M Libraries Blog

Sarah Thompson
Posted on July 23, 2024

In this post, we introduce the newest member of the External Relations team, Sarah Thompson!

Previous Posts

Jun 2022

May 2022

  • Posted on May 18, 2022
    In this post, we introduce the newest member of our digital services team!  
  • Posted on May 16, 2022
    Copyright legally grants for a limited time the monopolistic use of a work. The copyright holder has the sole ability to make copies, distribute, edit, perform, and display. Rather than allowing all copyrighted works to sit in a vacuum where their uses are incredibly limited to everyone except the rights holder, certain exemptions are allowed. The most familiar to us in higher education is fair use.
  • Posted on May 9, 2022
    David Wiley once said that using OER the same way we use a commercial textbook is like driving a plane down a highway, it can be done but defeats the purpose.

Apr 2022

  • Posted on April 27, 2022
    In this post, we introduce W&M Libraries' new music library assistant, Brigid Cryan '22! Name: Brigid Cryan Title: Music Library Assistant
  • Posted on April 13, 2022
    Did you see our recent post introducing Open Educational Resources (OER)? If not, start there by clicking here. In this post we’ll walk through tips and tricks for finding OER in your field or discipline.

Mar 2022

  • Posted on March 30, 2022
    Alexandra Flores, Instruction & Research Librarian and librarian to Anthropology, spoke to Assistant Professor, Dr. Andrea Wright, about her recently published book, “Between dreams and ghosts : Indian migration and Middle Eastern oil.”
  • Engraved image of "The Chinese Lady" leaning against a Chinese style table and holding a paper fan
    Posted on March 31, 2022
    On the 17th of October 1834, a fourteen-year-old Chinese girl arrived on the shores of New York City. The ship’s passenger list included her name as “Auphmoy” which was later phonetically shortened to Afong Moy—because of this, we do not know her real Chinese name. So began Afong Moy’s story as the first known female Chinese immigrant to the United States.