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History: Conflicts after 1945 Databases

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Multidisciplinary database of journal articles (including peer reviewed), books, book chapters, reports, conference proceedings, etc. Coverage: 1887-present.

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Provides full text coverage of the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Includes nearly 200 journals and 100 books, selective indexing for over 1,700 journals, and abstracts in English of foreign language articles.

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Covers all aspects of world history (excluding the US and Canada) since 1450. Includes journal articles, books, reviews, conference proceedings, dissertations, etc. published after 1954. About 250 History journals in this database are not findable in EBSCO's Academic Search database, making this the go-to database for finding world history articles.

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Multidisciplinary full-text journal articles from 1,500 major journals. Please note: In many cases, JSTOR does not include the most recent 3 to 5 years of these journals. Please use other databases to retrieve recent articles, especially for current events topics. Coverage: Varies by title. Access is available to 2007+ alumni; requires W&M userid and password.

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Multidisciplinary database of journal articles (including peer reviewed), books, book chapters, reports, conference proceedings, etc. Coverage: 1887-present.

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Political, military, social, and economic developments in Afghanistan. Special reports, interviews, court proceedings, statistics, etc. Also translations of foreign government documents, including speeches, memoranda, official reports,etc. An Archives Unbound database. Coverage: 1945-1963.

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Provides full text coverage of the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present. Includes nearly 200 journals and 100 books, selective indexing for over 1,700 journals, and abstracts in English of foreign language articles.

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American Politics and Society consists of a wide range of 19th and 20th century material. Going in chronological order, the first module in this category are the papers of one of the most prolific inventors in American History, Thomas A. Edison Papers. The other modules in this category consist of immigration records to the United States during the massive immigration wave from 1880-1930; legal collections from the Harvard Law School Library featuring the papers of three Supreme Court Justices, the first Black federal judge, and one of the most infamous criminal cases of the 20th century; papers of the Progressive leader Robert M. La Follette; records from the Franklin D. Roosevelt White House and other federal agencies on the New Deal and World War II; FBI Files on radical politics; records of the Truman and Eisenhower Presidencies; records of Students for a Democratic Society, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and other anti-Vietnam War organizations; and records on American Politics from the beginning of the Kennedy administration through the Nixon Administration.

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Arab-Israeli Relations 1917-1970offers the widest range of original source material from the British Foreign Office, Colonial Office, War Office and Cabinet Papers from the 1917 Balfour Declaration through to the Black September war of 1970-1. Here major policy statements are set out in their fullest context, the minor documents and marginalia revealing the workings of colonial administration and, following the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, British diplomacy towards Israel and the Arab states. Additional value has been by the expansion from the original 562 National Archives records to over 17,000, thus substantially improving access to over 138,000 pages documenting the politics, administration, wars and diplomacy of the Palestine Mandate, the Independence of Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

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Archives Direct is a suite of collections sourced from The National Archives, Kew - the UK government's official archive.

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Collection of databases devoted to disciplines in history and the social sciences. See titles of individual databases for further information. Coverage: Varies by database.

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This archive focuses on Argentina after the era of Juan Pern. In this period civilian administrations traded power, trying, with limited success, to deal with diminished economic growth and continued social and labor demands. The documents offer insight into various aspects of the Argentine economy. Examples include: the minister of public works discussing a program in "highways, railroads, and water transport" (June 1960); a report on the newly appointed undersecretary of mines requesting that the embassy's economic counselor have the U.S. government "examine the possibilities of procurement of tungsten" (June 1961); and a resolution by the National Cinematographic Institute requiring that all films exhibited in motion picture theaters feature Spanish subtitles "accompanied by written proof that the dialogue has been has been translated and subtitled in Argentina" (April 1962).

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Prior to the nineteenth century, much of what was known as the Far East remained closed to all but the most determined missionaries, traders, and sea captains. But in the nineteenth century the countries of these regions were confronted head-on by Western nations and forced into an expanding level of contactan opening that was fraught with domestic social unrest and foreign conflict, especially in China. Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Asia and the West illustrates the interaction between Asia and the West through a variety of rich source material, predominantly including US State Department consular and diplomatic records, British Foreign Office political correspondence, missionary correspondence and journals, and socio-economic journals.

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Border and Migration Studies Online is a collection that explores and provides historical background on more than thirty key worldwide border areas, including: U.S. and Mexico; the European Union; Afghanistan; Israel; Turkey; The Congo; Argentina; China; Thailand; and others. Featuring at completion 100,000 pages of text, 175 hours of video, and 1,000 images.

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This archive focuses on Brazil in the early 1960s. Sample documents include a report from Recife on the cultivation and export of pineapples, "especially in the states of Pernambuco and Paraba," as "an increasing source of foreign exchange for the Northeast." A November 1962 memorandum details the issuance of 40 billion cruzeiros in new currency "to meet runs on commercial banks during the political crisis, gradually flowing back to the Bank of Brazil following the return of normal conditions." The collection covers the period following the resignation from the presidency of Janio Quadros in 1961 and the succession of Vice President Joao Goulart, whose years in office were marked by high inflation, economic stagnation, and the increasing influence of radical political elements. The armed forces, alarmed by these developments, staged a coup on March 31, 1964, during the administration of U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson.

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This collection will provide a unique opportunity to read the recollections of many of the players in the Cold War. These transcripts of oral recollections will assist scholars in understanding the motivations for conflict and conciliation. An Archives Unbound database. Coverage: 1950s-1990s.

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Complete volumes of all British Government Confidential Print for Africa, from the Colonial, Dominion, Foreign and War Offices.

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Complete runs of all British Government Confidential Print volumes relating to the nations of South and Central America.

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Complete volumes of all British Colonial Office and Foreign Office Confidential Print for the Middle East.

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The British Foreign Office Political Correspondence files on Palestine and Transjordan, 1940-1948 are essential for understanding the modern history of the Middle East, the establishment of Israel as a sovereign state, and the wider web of postwar international world politics. Early records in the collection focus on events in Palestine, Britains policy toward Palestine, and how the situation in Palestine affected relations with other nations.

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From the award-winning, nongovernmental National Security Archive, this resource consists of expertly curated, and meticulously indexed, declassified government documents covering U.S. policy toward critical world events including their military, intelligence, diplomatic and human rights dimensions from 1945 to the present.

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Political, military, economic, social, industrial, and other internal conditions and events in East Germany. Predominantly instructions to and dispatches from US diplomatic and consular personnel. An Archives Unbound database. Coverage: 1950-1963.

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Fold3 features premier collections of original military records. These records include the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served in the military. Many of the records come from the U.S. National archives, The National Archives of the U.K. and other international records.

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This collection provides significant insight into the events between First World War victory and Second World War defeat, crucial to understanding the political journey of Japan during this period.

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Explore the history of Southeast Asia from 1963-1980 through official government documents from The National Archives, UK. This collection offers an insight into the significant changes that took place in Southeast Asia during 1963-1980, including the creation of Malaysia and the response to this from the wider region.

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This collection comprises materials related to the planning and organization of the October 1991 Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid. It consists of correspondence, memoranda, cables, diplomatic dispatches, reports, studies, maps, and printed material which document all aspects of staging the conference as well as the conference itself. An Archives Unbound database. Coverage: 1981-1993.

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When George H. W. Bush became president in 1989 the United States had already begun to see a thawing of relations with the Soviet Union. President Bush spoke of softening relations in his inaugural address, claiming that "a new breeze is blowing," and adding that "great nations of the world are moving toward democracy through the door to freedom." This collection provides an in-depth analysis of the events leading up to the dissolution of the U.S.S.R. and its implications for U.S.-Soviet relations.

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Covers all aspects of world history (excluding the US and Canada) since 1450. Includes journal articles, books, reviews, conference proceedings, dissertations, etc. published after 1954. About 250 History journals in this database are not findable in EBSCO's Academic Search database, making this the go-to database for finding world history articles.

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Researchers can access digitized letters, papers, photographs, scrapbooks, financial records, diaries, and many more primary source materials taken from the University Publications of America (UPA) Collections. Includes multiple sub-collections in broad subject areas like Civil Rights; Southern Life, Slavery, and the Civil War; American Indians and the American West; American Politics and Society; International Relations and Military Conflicts; Women's Studies; and Workers and Labor Unions. Focus of American History primary sources is largely after 1775.

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Human Rights Studies Online is a research and learning database providing comparative documentation, analysis, and interpretation of major human rights violations and atrocity crimes worldwide from 1900 to 2010. The collection includes primary and secondary materials across multiple media formats and content types for each selected event.

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Collections in the International Relations and Military Conflicts category span from 1911-1975, offering a detailed view of U.S. foreign relations during the period from the years immediately before the outbreak of World War I through to the end of the Vietnam War. While these modules provide an excellent view of U.S. international relations during these important years, these records also offer detailed information on the countries in which the U.S. diplomatic or military officials were stationed. As such, the collections in the International Relations and Military Conflicts category are an excellent source for studies of individual countries or regions of the world. In addition, U.S. diplomats and military officials often reported back on international reaction to events in the United States, thereby providing an international perspective on important developments in the United States. This category also now includes British Foreign Office Records on World War I and the creation of Israel from 1940-1948.

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Multidisciplinary full-text journal articles from 1,500 major journals. Please note: In many cases, JSTOR does not include the most recent 3 to 5 years of these journals. Please use other databases to retrieve recent articles, especially for current events topics. Coverage: Varies by title. Access is available to 2007+ alumni; requires W&M userid and password.

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Black nationalism and pan-Africanism. FBI documents, correspondence, ephemera, reports, memoranda, transcriptions, etc. An Archives Unbound database. Coverage: 1970-1985.

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Explore multiple perspectives on the history of injury, treatment and disease on the front line. Chart scientific advances through hospital records, medical reports and first-hand accounts, and discover the evidence of how war shaped medical practice across the centuries. Includes primary sources from 1850-1949.

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This collection provides insight into the recent history of the surveillance of aliens and national security during World War II and the early postwar period. An Archives Unbound database. Coverage: 1940-1978.

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An archival collection comprising the backfiles of 15 major international magazines (including the Newsweek archive), spanning areas including current events, international relations, and public policy. It also includes publications by the United Nations, UNESCO, and European community. These titles offer multiple perspectives on the contemporary contexts of the major events, trends, and interests in these fields throughout the twentieth century. Coverage: 1918-2015

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These files from the National Archives of the United Kingdom allow scholars and researchers the opportunity to assess, from a British, European and Commonwealth perspective, Nixons handling of numerous Cold War crises, his administrations notable achievements, as well as his increasingly controversial activities and unorthodox use of executive powers culminating in Watergate and resignation.

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Offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies and historiographic essays on military history. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable.

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This resource contains digitizations of popular culture collections from the U.S. and U.K. between 1950 to 1975. These original archival materials are from various libraries and archives. Topics include student protests, civil rights, consumerism, and the Vietnam War. The collection includes pamphlets, letters, government files, eye witness accounts, underground magazines, visual and video materials and ephemera and memorabilia. Part II contains additional material, such as music, press kits, mail order catalogues, advertising proofs, additional photos from the Mirrorpix archives, and documents on student unrest and the Troubles in Northern Ireland from the National Archives.

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Revolution and Protest Online explores the protest movements, revolutions, and civil wars that have transformed societies and human experience from the 18th century through the present. It is organized around more than thirty events and areas, representing a variety of time periods, regions, and topics. Includes American Revolution, Arab Spring, Chinese Communist Revolution, Civil Rights Movement, Cuban Revolutions, Hungarian Revolution, Iranian Revolutions, Russian Revolutions, and others.

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Security Issues Online delves into conflicts, policies, and relationships that have impacted the global arena throughout modern history. It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, insurgency and counterinsurgency, cybersecurity, ethnic conflicts and resolution, and nuclear threats.

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This collection consists of unique records of U.S. agencies established to intervene in Vietnam-the country U.S. foreign policy deemed a lynchpin in the free world's fight against communism. The Subject Files from the Office of the Director, U.S. Operations Missions, document the myriad concerns and rationales that went into the control and direction of U.S. economic and technical assistance programs, as well as the coordination of mutual security activities, with respect to Vietnam.

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Provides online access to a broad range of previously classified federal records from 1900 to within the current decade. The types of declassified documents include intelligence studies, policy papers, diplomatic correspondence, cabinet meeting minutes, briefing materials, and domestic surveillance and military reports. Coverage: 1900-2008.

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