W&M Libraries

Sarah Thompson
Posted on July 23, 2024

In this post, we introduce the newest member of the External Relations team, Sarah Thompson!

Jun 2022

May 2022

  • May 18, 2022
    In this post, we introduce the newest member of our digital services team!  
  • May 16, 2022
    Copyright legally grants for a limited time the monopolistic use of a work. The copyright holder has the sole ability to make copies, distribute, edit, perform, and display. Rather than allowing all copyrighted works to sit in a vacuum where their uses are incredibly limited to everyone except the rights holder, certain exemptions are allowed. The most familiar to us in higher education is fair use.
  • May 9, 2022
    David Wiley once said that using OER the same way we use a commercial textbook is like driving a plane down a highway, it can be done but defeats the purpose.

Apr 2022

Mar 2022

  • March 28, 2022
    Scholarly publications (any publications for that matter from blogs to books) must adhere to some form of legal ownership structure. For us in the USA we follow the US Copyright Law (Title 17, 1-8, 10-12). Copyright was established in the US Constitution to support the progress of arts and sciences. Whenever you see the “c” copyright symbol and often when you don’t it means ALL rights reserved.
  • March 15, 2022
    Open Education Week (OEW) is usually held the first full week of March, but it’s not the only time we could/should talk about open education. OEW is an international celebration with ideas and collaborations from around the globe, but what exactly is it that OEW celebrates? Why Open Education, of course! Okay, but what does open education mean?

Feb 2022