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Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2024

University of Victoria campus sign

June 3-7, 2024 on-campus (week 1) | June 10-14, 2024 on-campus (week 2).

William & Mary Libraries are pleased to provide funding to cover the registration costs for up to 5 faculty and graduate students interested in attending the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) at the University of Victoria. DHSI provides an ideal environment for discussing and learning about new computing technologies and how they are influencing teaching, research, dissemination, creation, and preservation in different disciplines, via a community-based approach. 

First Generation Students at W&M

I support FGLI at W&M

As first-generation students, Candice Benjes-Small, Head of Research, and Alexandra Flores, Instruction & Research Librarian, were interested in learning more about the experiences of W&M first-gen students. We read about a study of first-generation students by Duke University Libraries and thought a similar project at W&M could be beneficial.  Alex serves on the advisory council of FGLI, the First-Generation Low-Income Student Support group on campus. She brought the idea to the council who enthusiastically endorsed it, and we were off!