The Swem Lobby is located on the first floor at the main entrance into the library. The space is primarily intended to be used for individual and group study. Due to consideration for traffic flow and in an effort to limit distractions, tabling is not allowed in the lobby, except for library-led activities. William & Mary affiliated groups are welcome to table outside Swem.
Tabling outside the library - Use Policy:
- Recognized student clubs/organizations and departments or units of William & Mary can table outside the library in front of the main entrance. The entrance cannot be blocked and tables cannot be set up in the covered portico due to fire safety regulations. In the event of rain or snow, groups are encouraged to reschedule their tabling activities at the library or request Sadler or Campus Center tabling via the Recognized Student Organization Scheduling website.
- Per campus policy (pdf), tabling activities by student organizations must be passive and cannot be held after dark. Student groups are not allowed to host events during the reading or examination periods.
- Outdoor space can be reserved through LibCal, or by contacting Swem's External Relations office. Tables and chairs can be obtained for a fee by submitting an Outdoor Furniture Request form to Facilities Management. Swem Library does not provide tables and/or chairs for outdoor use.
- Non-W&M affiliated groups are not permitted to table outside the library.
- The tabling organization will be responsible for the condition of the space during the time assigned. This includes cleaning up trash and removing tables and chairs at the end of the activity.
For further information, please contact the External Relations Office, or Tami Back,