Documenting life during COVID-19 form

Adapted from documentation created by UNC Charlotte J. Murrey Atkins Special Collections and University Archives

The William & Mary Special Collections Research Center is collecting scrapbooks and diary entries, emails, photographs, videos, voice memos and audio recordings, and other digital evidence of the ongoing situation around COVID-19, including school closures, being displaced from student housing, working from home, the shift to online learning, social distancing, and self-quarantine. Please share your stories with this form.

You must be 18 years of age or older to submit content.  If you are under 18, please ask a parent or guardian to submit content on your behalf. Thank you!


Your Info
Enter your preferred form of your full name, if different from above
(Optional) Upload a photo of yourself to be used with your story
Files must be less than 30 MB.
Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Additional Information
If no, a box will appear below for you to enter your co-creator(s) information
Please list the names of the content co-creators, their contact information, and the circumstances of how you came to have the materials. IMPORTANT: Each co-creator must fill out this form in order for the item to be accepted by the archives. However, only one co-creator is required to upload the file.
Submitted Files
Upload files
Files must be less than 30 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp txt rtf pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods avi mp3 wav.
Submit video(s) by listing either a shareable YouTube or Vimeo link, or a shareable link to a file in Google Drive or Dropbox. We will download a copy to save in our archive. Please make sure you allow downloads when uploading your videos to Vimeo.
Social Media URLs
Submit publicly accessible social media that you have created by providing a link here. Please note that we can only archive public content.
Submission Agreement

You must be 18 years of age or older to submit content.  If you are under 18, please ask a parent or guardian to submit content on your behalf. Thank you!

I hereby certify that I am over the age of 18 and that I (or a minor child under my guardianship) created, and own the copyright in, the submitted material. While I will continue to retain my copyright, I hereby grant the William & Mary Libraries a license to add the material to its archival collections and preserve it for future generations of students, scholars, and researchers. I give the Libraries permission:

  • to organize the materials according to accepted archival principles;
  • to create metadata, finding aids, and full-text search interfaces required for the preservation and discovery of the materials;
  • to make the materials accessible to researchers and staff;
  • and to use the materials in exhibits and displays, both physical and online.

I agree that William & Mary Libraries may make this material available online under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (, which will allow others to share and adapt the material, as long as I am given appropriate credit.