Swem/IT Brown Bag on Survey Research: Qualtrics & Polling Databases

The 2nd Swem/IT brown bag of the spring semester will be held on Wednesday, February 29, from noon - 1pm in Swem's Dulin Learning Center on the 1st floor. The topic this time is survey research.  Speakers Gene Roche and Paul Showalter will introduce you to the advanced survey research tool Qualtrics, and several library databases containing polling information, respectively.  Bring your lunch, too.  We'll provide cookies and drinks.

Please RSVP at https://forms.wm.edu/4089

If you can't make it to Swem but would like to view the session online, tune into http://wm.adobeconnect.com/survey anytime between noon and 1pm and log in as a guest.
