Theses & Dissertations Digitization Project

William & Mary Libraries worked for two years on a project to digitize and catalog W&M dissertations and theses going back to 1920 and up until 2015.  The project helps to accomplish many goals:

  • share the developments and research conducted here with scholars around the world
  • preserve the scholarly record
  • increase the impact of theses and dissertations
  • raise the profile of graduate students
  • grow the reputation of William & Mary
  • demonstrate the institution’s impact on local and global communities

As of October 22, 2018, you are now able to view the dissertations and theses included in this retrospective project as well as those which have been submitted electronically since 2016 in W&M ScholarWorks, the university's open access institutional repository.

Below, please find a list of W&M theses and dissertations which have been digitized as part of this retrospective conversion project . The information includes the authors associated with the project, along with their degree-granting department and year of completion. If you wrote a thesis and/or dissertation between 1920 and 2015 would like to opt-out of the project by restricting access to your work to on-campus access only, then you will need to contact with your name, date of graduation and thesis or dissertation title. Theses and dissertations will continue to be made available through interlibrary loan (ILL) to other libraries, as they were when they were available in print. If you are a copyright holder for one of these works, and would like to provide additional information about a work, or discuss rights and access to the work, please contact us at

Showing 5151 - 5200 of 5288 entries
Title Author Department Year Degree
Self-concept uncertainty and self-esteem liability : vulnerability factors for depression? Wilson, Frances Carol, 1972- Psychology 1997 Master of Arts
Maternal and paternal socialization of children's sadness : links to emotion regulation, psychopathology, and social functioning Poon, Jennifer Ann, Psychology 2014 Master of Arts
Trait and state determinants of preference for abstract art Brady, Tara, 1976- Psychology 2000 Master of Arts
Concepts of death : are fear and anxiety the only components? Frazier, Patricia Hunter, 1953- Psychology 1986 Master of Arts
An evolutionary-psychological interpretation of self-esteem Glenn, Jeffrey Edward, 1973- Psychology 1998 Master of Arts
Beyond ability : effects of caffeine and impulsivity on academic and creative performance Chambers, Sara E., 1966- Psychology 2001 Master of Arts
Emotions and ego defenses Healy, Donald, 1948- Psychology 1981 Master of Arts
Incubation of anxiety as measured by response suppression Tarpy, Roger M., 1941- Psychology 1965 Master of Arts
The relationship between neural reorganization and neuropsychological functioning in normal aging Hershaw, Jamie Nicole, Psychology 2013 Master of Arts
Affective image recognition in valanced contexts Eden, Allison Lehner, 1977- Psychology 2006 Master of Arts
Novel stimulation enrichment and deprivation : effects on early stage REM sleep Ware, James Catesby, 1947- Psychology 1971 Master of Arts
Perceptions of risk in intimacy : couple communication and relationship satisfaction Brunell, Amy Beth, 1978- Psychology 2002 Master of Arts
Direct vs. indirect aggression tactics as a function of domin-specific self-esteem Wyckoff, Joy Plumeri Psychology 2014 Master of Arts
The establishment of the Huguenots in Virginia Land, Mary Wilson Bohannan, 1905- Religion 1942 Master of Arts
Determinants of criminal court sentencing Lovko, Jennifer Rae, 1965- Sociology 1994 Master of Arts
Ethnic voting behavior in an urban area : the effect of ethnic identification upon candidate choice and political party affiliation among Greek-Americans Brock, Helen Theresa, 1948- Sociology 1971 Master of Arts
Ability grouping practices as determinant of student-teacher interaction Merritt, Stephen Russell, 1946- Sociology 1972 Master of Arts
African American professional women active from 1920-1960 : an historical analysis Lyles, Crystal Marie, 1970- Sociology 1994 Master of Arts
Metropolitan social worker attitudes and orientations : an empirical investigation Pellett, Lea Buchanan, 1940- Sociology 1972 Master of Arts
Mediating the influence of deviant peers Breitbeil, John William, 1971- Sociology 1998 Master of Arts
Drug use and deterrence : a test of Silberman's general theory Maume, Michael Owen, 1969- Sociology 1994 Master of Arts
Political conflict and instability in Indonesia, 1949-1959 Stagg, Beatrice Jean, 1936- Sociology 1972 Master of Arts
The rationalization of drug treatment programs : the emergence of court-enforced drug treatment bureaueracies Richardson, John G. 1958- Sociology 1994 Master of Arts
Status differentiation within American slavery Williams, Margaret Pratt, 1945- Sociology 1969 Master of Arts
The effects of friendship on the identification and acceptance of the mentally ill Weiner, Greta Ruth, 1940- Sociology 1972 Master of Arts
Organization as process : the life histories of CORE and SNCC Farmer, Elizabeth M. Zeiders, 1962- Sociology 1986 Master of Arts
The life histories of ten of the first women to attend the College of William and Mary [1918-1930] Roy, Diane Marie, 1969- Sociology 1994 Master of Arts
The effects of reference groups on human lactation duration Cashman-Janowski, Regina, 1953- Sociology 1981 Master of Arts
An examination of some rural community houses in Virginia Verner, Coolie. Sociology 1950 Master of Arts
The viability of the volunteers in courts programs : an analysis of the conceptual foundations and empirical research Baker, Eleanor Margaret, 1940- Sociology 1974 Master of Arts
Correlates of self-esteem and social desirability in fifth grade mainstream and special education classes Bogart, Susan K. 1944- Sociology 1974 Master of Arts
Disaster and the restructuring of organization Linn, John Robert, 1944- Sociology 1986 Master of Arts
Bisegmented and multisegmented lovers' nests : an exploratory study German, Hallett. Sociology 1981 Master of Arts
Juvenile delinquency and the school : an application of control theory Colombano, Donna M., 1947- Sociology 1974 Master of Arts
Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and Ayatollah Khomeini : in light of Shi'i history Neary, Brigitte U. Sociology 1986 Master of Arts
The relevance of social isolation to the community tenure of former mental patients Hargadon, Sue Ellen. Sociology 1981 Master of Arts
The treatment of servants and slaves in colonial Virginia Coyle, Betty Wade Wyatt, 1946- Sociology 1974 Master of Arts
Role satisfaction in the sisterhood : a cross-cultural replication German, Raquel Miranda, 1957- Sociology 1980 Master of Arts
The Negro American : images and identities Healey, Joseph F., 1945- Sociology 1970 Master of Arts
Resource allocation at the university : research on the determinants of faculty morale Schmidt, Douglas Craig, 1962- Sociology 1986 Master of Arts
No-fault divorce legislation and its impact on state divorce rates Massey, Elizabeth Ann, 1954- Sociology 1981 Master of Arts
Religion, philosophy, and the second law of thermodynamics Finn, Carter Braxton, 1935- Sociology 1974 Master of Arts
Death and the self Miller, Jo Ann Langley, 1949- Sociology 1980 Master of Arts
An examination of race, socioeconomic status, age, sex, and marital status as determinants of distribution patterns for migrants and movers in the 1960 Richmond Metropolitan area Oey, Mayling, 1941- Sociology 1970 Master of Arts
Substance abuse treatment in learning centers : a comparison across variables Flynn, Nicole Thomson, 1969- Sociology 1993 Master of Arts
Sociological contributions to the community mental health movement : a reformulation Morrison, Richard Drury. Sociology 1981 Master of Arts
The development of prisonersʼ rights : a study of judicial opinions Greenwood, Lynn Marie, 1949- Sociology 1974 Master of Arts
Elderly clients' perceptions of human services Egly, Stephanie R., 1952- Sociology 1982 Master of Arts
Community power and urban renewal success : a replication Seward, Robert Franklin, 1934- Sociology 1970 Master of Arts
Social implications in Negro poetry : a study in Negro poetic expression Wynne, Robert Baker, 1906- Sociology 1933 Master of Arts