May 2022

  • Bag of mahonia branches and berries
    June 27, 2022
    Recently, several neighbors and I trekked up a narrow, muddy path through dense, jungle-like foliage. Bright, glossy leaves crowned by yellow plumes. Long branches arched above and crowded around. This tropical moment was not faraway and exotic but on College Creek, less than a mile from Colonial Williamsburg.
  • May 18, 2022
    In this post, we introduce the newest member of our digital services team!  
  • May 16, 2022
    Copyright legally grants for a limited time the monopolistic use of a work. The copyright holder has the sole ability to make copies, distribute, edit, perform, and display. Rather than allowing all copyrighted works to sit in a vacuum where their uses are incredibly limited to everyone except the rights holder, certain exemptions are allowed. The most familiar to us in higher education is fair use.
  • May 9, 2022
    David Wiley once said that using OER the same way we use a commercial textbook is like driving a plane down a highway, it can be done but defeats the purpose.