Business: Country Research

AllAfrica is a voice of, by and about Africa - aggregating, producing and distributing 900 news and information items daily from over 140 African news organizations and their own reporters to an African and global public. They operate from Cape Town, Dakar, Abuja, Johannesburg, Nairobi and Washington DC.
All disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, finance, and economics. Journal articles, books, market research reports, financial data, conference proceedings, case studies, etc. Coverage: Varies by title.
This database is a unique online archive of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)s quarterly country reports, from their beginning in 1952 up to 1995. The reports combine detailed statistical information with expert commentary and analysis from the EIUs analysts, providing high quality summaries of political, economic and commercial developments in almost 200 countries.
An online market research tool that monitors industry trends and gives strategic analysis and a market size and market share database for all products across all key countries. Passport is Euromonitor International's global market analysis software platform, which analyses the industry in countries around the world.
Presents political and economic information on countries and territories as well as international organizations. Features statistical data and directories.
World news and business information, including information on US and foreign companies, stock prices, currency data, and financial profiles for companies worldwide. Newswires, newspaper, and magazine articles. Coverage: 1980-present.
Country risk, industry, and company intelligence on global markets. Proprietary data, analysis, ratings, rankings, and forecasts covering 175 countries and 22 industry sectors. Coverage: Current. Formerly Business Monitor International.
Previously "Marketline Advantage", GlobalData Explorer is a cross-sector platform providing information across 22 industries. Combining macroeconomic data and information on thousands of companies, GlobalData Explorer offers you broad yet detailed coverage of the global trends that are shaping industries and impacting companies.
All areas of hospitality and tourism. Scholarly research and industry news from journal articles, company & and country reports, and books. Coverage: 1965-present.
MarketLine Advantage offers company, industry, and country profiles. This includes SWOT analyses, 12,000 company profiles, 16,500 company capsules, case studies, industry profiles in 215 countries and 46 political and geographic groupings. Includes case studies and management reports. A daily news feed is also included.
Mergent Archives is an online database providing you with access to a vast, indexed collection of corporate and industry related documents. Containing more than 180,000 documents covering over 100 countries and industries, Mergent Archives uses a reliable and easy to navigate system designed to meet your historical research needs.
Business and financial research. Includes US and international company data and archives, US and international annual reports, fact sheets, insider trades, and industry reports (North America, Asia/Pacific and Europe). Includes Mergent Horizon and Company Analytics. Coverage: Current.
Offers yearly reports covering UK, Europe, US and International consumer markets in the CPG/FMCG, financial services, media, retail, leisure and industrial space. Market data including size, segmentation and forecasts. Includes daily updates on the hottest issues affecting key consumer markets and the economy.
Presents statistics of overall industrial growth, detailed data on business structure and statistics on major indicators of industrial performance by country in the historical time series.
Unlimited access to, mobile, and tablet apps. Focuses on personalized, current, mobile and credible news. Print edition available in EReader format. Coverage includes four-year archive. Use the link above to activate your free account. You need only do this one time. This will provide direct access to
The primary World Bank collection of development indicators. Presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional, and global estimates from 1960, where data are available. Coverage: 1960-present.

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