Poem VII.
f. 103r. Heading: kharja
Ṭarīq opening line: Mālat al-ʿashiyya
Ṭarīq musical mode: ʿashiyya

Hebrew Orthography
קום תנחגִב * עלה אלעיון יא צבייא ** / וטאני ת יא צאחבת אלכורסה הבי עלה אלכדוד עכרייה // טאני טאנן גֹלב צֹייאך עלה נגִום ואתורייא ** / טאני /טאנן פי חאק מה קאלו אלערב * צֹריפה היא זעבולייא /טאני / טאנן פי חאק מה קאלו אלערב ***
Arabic Orthography
قوم تنحجب * عله العيون يا صبييا ** / وطاني ت يا صاحبت الخورسه هبي عله الخدود عكرييه / طاني طانن غلب ضيياك عله نجوم واتورييا ** طاني طانن في حاق مه قالو العرب * ظريفه هيا زعبولييا // طاني / طانن في حاق مه قالو العرب ***
English Translation
Arise and cover your eyes, O maiden—aṭānī ṭāna! O the one with an earring, put crimson on your cheeks—ṭānī ṭāna! Your light has conquered the stars and planets—ṭānī ṭāna! There is truth in what the Arabs said: the flirtatious woman is enchanting—ṭānī ṭāna!
Standardized Version
قُم تنحجب على العيون يا صبية اطاني طانا يا صاحبة الخُرصى هبي على الخدود عكرية طاني طانا غلب ضياك على النجوم والثوريا طاني طانا في حق ما قالوا العرب ظريفة هي الزعبولية طاني طانا
1. The first two lines of this song-text are found in roughly the same form in the modern the Algerian nūba tradition, where it serves as an inṣirāf in the mode raṣd al-dhīl.
2. Many of the song-texts in this manuscript include the interjection of syllables like alālān, yā la lān, and ṭānī ṭāna. This is a common practice in sung muwashshaḥāt, including in the modern nūba practice in the Maghrib. Usually, however, such syllables are not included in written texts. We have kept such syllables in the standardized Arabic version and the English translation, even though they should be understood as sung interjections and not as parts of the poetic form as such.