Poem XLI.
f. 115r. Heading: kharja
Ṭarīq opening line: Takhadhtu lana
Ṭarīq musical mode: māya

Hebrew Orthography
מה זאלת כדא עייני ** תמה אלהווא תקטף ** כוחל ותנשבני ** ותנצֹור ולא תטרף ** אלווצאל תלהמני ** ותוועד ולא תנצף ** / גֹלב ביידתך פרצֹי ** וראני האוואך שאהמת ** ומן לוונך אלבקצי * נבית נבלע אזפראת ***
Arabic Orthography
مه زالت كدا عييني ** تمه الهووا تقطف ** كوحل وتنشبني ** وتنضور ولا تطرف ** الووصال تلهمني ** وتووعد ولا تنصف ** / غلب بييدتك فرضي ** وراني هاوواك ساهمت ** ومن لوونك البقصي * نبيت نبلع ازفرات ***
English Translation
My eyes are still like this—desire has completed its harvest. [They are] black and entangle me—they look but do not see. Union destroys me—it promises but does not deliver. Your pawn conquered my horse—desire for you has pierced me. Because of your color like the myrtle, I pass the night gasping for breath.
Standardized Version
ما زالت كذا عيني * تمَ الهوى تقطف كُحل وتنشبني * وتنظُر ولا تطرف الوصال تلهمني * وتُوعد ولا تنصف غلب بيدقك فرسي * وراني هَواك ساهمت ومن لونك البقسي * نبيت نبلع الزفرات
1. What we are reading as “your pawn” can also be read in the Hebrew as b-y-y-d-t-k. Likewise, “my horse” (knight in chess) can also be read as f-r-ḍ in the Hebrew.
2. “Gasping for breath”—more literally, “gulping sighs.”